Carbon Neutral Events

Carbon neutral conferences are events whose GHG emissions due to the consumption of energy and travel have been offset to achieve a zero carbon footprint. ZeroGHG Inc. can help you achieve a carbon neutral conference, our services include:

  • Collection and analysis of data regarding GHG emissions associated your conference .
  • Calculation of conference’s carbon footprint.
  • Development of emissions mitigation and reduction recommendations.
  • Providing estimate of required carbon offsets to achieve ZeroGHG net emissions certification. Recommendation will also include a discussion of type of offsets available.
  • Evaluate Green Conference Best Practices, provide ratings and recommendations. The Green Conference Best Practices evaluation is a series of questions developed by ZeroGHG to evaluate best practices in 6 categories. The study would provide a comparative score in these key areas that in addition to covering GHG emissions include other performance areas such as use of recycling, use of organic foods, contractor selection, and venue optimisation.
Deliverables of our Services
  • Data collection tool  to facilitate information required to evaluate emission sources
  • Detailed report summarizing GHG emissions by source. Carbon footprint calculation will include emissions for the following categories:
    • Out-of-town travel: GHG emissions associated with delegate travel to the conference including air, rail and land.
    • In-town travel: GHG emissions associated with delegate travel between accommodation sites and conference venue.
    • Energy consumption: GHG emissions associated with conference venue, accommodations and dining.
    • Exhibits (if applicable): GHG emissions related to exhibits and special equipment.
  • The report will include mitigation recommendations as well as a calculation of carbon offsets required to achieve ZeroGHG certification.
  • Green Conference Best Practices questionnaire to evaluate best practices to be completed by AVH Live and returned to ZeroGHG for analysis.
  • Detailed report summarizing Green Conference Best Practices and comparative rating in the following key areas:
    • Destination selection
    • Accommodation selection
    • Meeting and venue selection
    • Transportation selection
    • Exposition selection
    • Communication and marketing

Please contact us for additional information on hosting a carbon neutral conference.